Your furry family members need health care throughout their lives. Kingdom Animal Hospital’s team is here to help you navigate the variety of health challenges they face at different life stages. From spay and neuter, to breeding services, to helping your pet age gracefully, you will find everything your pet needs at Kingdom.
puppies & kittens
Infectious diseases and parasites are especially serious health problems in young puppies and kittens. Important vaccinations along with testing and treating for internal and external parasites can prevent serious illnesses. Bring your new family member to Kingdom, and we will help you tackle training, diet, vaccines, parasite prevention, and spay/neuter planning. After spending time getting to know their new veterinarian at the first puppy visit, vaccine booster appointments can be conveniently handled by educated veterinary technicians!
Breeding is definitely not recommended for everyone - pets OR owners. But at Kingdom, we do believe in responsibly breeding healthy animals to perpetuate breed standards and good temperament. As with fertility in humans, there is NO guarantee that any breeding will be successful or how any litter will turn out. It is a journey with many risks of health and heartache, but can certainly be rewarding and valuable with the right perspective. We offer ovulation timing, artificial insemination, semen collection, ultrasound, and c-section planning for qualified breeders. We do reserve the right to refuse breeding services if we feel it is not healthy for the intended pet, or unethical for any reason. Schedule a consult with Dr. Wolk if you would like to discuss more about all breeding may entail for you and your pet.
Once the groundwork is laid with a healthy diet, good training, puppy/kitten vaccines, and parasite treatment, for many adult pets an annual visit is enough to maintain good health. This visit includes a physical examination by a veterinarian, vaccine boosters, and a test for intestinal parasites. Dogs also need a yearly blood test to be sure heartworms (spread by mosquitoes!), lyme disease, and other tick-borne diseases aren’t hiding, waiting to cause trouble. Did you know there is a single injection that can be given to prevent heartworms and intestinal parasite ALL YEAR?! Ask us about Proheart12! Flea and tick prevention are also important - we have multiple options.
We recommend annual bloodwork - especially for any pet on medications. It is never too early to start monitoring “baseline health”, as it helps us catch and manage trends very early in disease - BEFORE your pet gets sick.
Dental disease is best prevented with attention to dental health in early adulthood. Ask a Kingdom team member about dental disease prevention and oral health assessment and early treatment!
As our pets age, so does their immune system. Vaccines and parasite prevention remain an important part of maintaining health as susceptibility to infectious disease rises. Dental health often becomes a problem in older pets, and treatment of dental disease can be crucial in preventing a cascade of more systemic and serious health problems. Let us help you learn how ignoring it can be MORE risky than the low risk anesthetic procedures recommended as treatment. Annual bloodwork becomes even more important in catching and managing health problems in early stages, to maximize your pets health. Additional blood tests may be recommended to screen for Cushing’s Disease, hyper/hypothyroidism, and more.
Complete all puppy / kitten vaccinations as recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) - we follow their guidelines.
Screen for intestinal parasites (fecal) twice yearly and additionally as needed
Feed an AAFCO approved grain inclusive diet appropriate for life stage.
Remember training and exercise to reduce anxiety and other behavior problems, especially in active breeds.
Booster vaccinations yearly or every 3 years, as applicable.
Screen for Heartworm and Tick Borne diseases (such as Lyme Disease) yearly.
Keep your pet on internal and external parasite prevention year round.
Annual bloodwork to monitor internal health - especially in aging pets.
Ask questions! We are here to help you. If you don’t understand why we are recommending something for your pet, we are happy to explain.