
Dogs + Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Caesarean Sections in Dogs - Post-Operative Instructions

    Su perro ha sido sometido a una intervención de cirugía mayor. Que tenga una buena recuperación dependerá de que siga recibiendo ciertas atenciones en casa. Su papel en el período de la recuperación es tan importante como la cirugía que acabamos de realizar.

  • This handout discusses the anatomy of the dog’s ear canal, how to safely clean your dog’s ears to prevent ear infections, and how to apply topical ear medications if needed.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs

    El término insuficiencia renal crónica parece sugerir que los riñones han dejado de funcionar y no producen orina pero, por definición, insuficiencia renal indica que los riñones son incapaces de eliminar productos de deshecho de la sangre. La definición del término puede crear confusión en ocasiones porque hay quien identifica insuficiencia renal con la incapacidad para producir orina, cuando en realidad no es así.

  • Irish Red and White Setters are joyful and love to have fun. They will run with you, go for hikes, play with the kids, and are up for all sorts of activities like agility, flyball and obedience. Then they'll settle in the comfort of the house to chill with the family.

  • The Irish Setter is highly energetic, easily excited, and exuberant about anything that he senses is about to happen. The prospect of going outdoors, going somewhere in the family car, or even having his food dish filled, sets him off into leaps and bounds of pleasure. He is also quite affectionate, gentle and sweet-natured.

  • He is not called the daredevil of dogdom for nothing. The Irish Terrier is as fiery in personality as he is in color. He is not great with other dogs, but if you want a one-dog entertainment center, you just may have found your match.

  • Clownish and playful, the Irish Water Spaniel is as springy as his coat of tightly wound curls. He is the tallest of the spaniels, and few dogs can match the gusto and enthusiasm that an Irish brings to everything he does, so get ready for high-intensity fun. The Irish would not have it any other way.

  • Despite his size and commanding appearance, the Irish Wolfhound has an even temperament, bonding with his family and showing great loyalty and affection. These dogs are rugged, playful, and protective, yet gentle, sweet and loving.

  • Italian Greyhounds are aloof with those they do not know, but crave attention from their own people. Usually quiet housemates, they will sound alarms with a surprisingly big bark. Affectionately called "Iggies," the IG enjoys being pampered and will seek out soft toys to snuggle and soft pillows and laps to rest their heads on.

  • Always on the tips of his toes in anticipation of the next big chase, game, or adventure, the Jack Russell Terrier has more energy than many pet owners can handle. Super active with a loud bark and an unquenchable prey drive, Jack Russells will keep you busy thinking up challenges to keep them out of trouble.